ADD and ADHD: Symptoms, Diagnosis, & Treatments

When your child is struggling to focus on any one task, they’re unable to sit still or follow directions, and they’re impulsive, you may not be sure how to handle your child or address their specific needs. It’s important that you can recognize the signs and symptoms of ADD and ADHD and that you’re not just assuming normal outbursts and defiance is related to either disorder. Dr. Allyson Self-Stoico at A to Z Pediatrics in Pasadena, CA, can explain everything you need to know about ADD and ADD therapies and how they can help your child function better on a daily basis.

Symptoms of ADD

It’s important that you’re able to identify when something might be a sign of ADD in your child. Some of the first signs that you might notice are if your child is unable to follow directions, they’re constantly misplacing items, they fidget often, and they aren’t able to focus on listening to a full conversation. This will happen in every situation, not just certain circumstances where they may feel distracted.

Diagnosing ADD

To diagnose your child with ADD, they’ll need to sit down with their pediatrician for an evaluation. Your pediatrician will be able to discuss things with your child and just observe how they function. If they notice that there are the common symptoms of ADD and they can’t attribute them to other reasons, they will diagnose your child with ADD.

Treating ADD

Once your child is diagnosed with ADD, it’s time to discuss how this can be managed. Our pediatrician can discuss different forms of ADD therapies to discover which will work best for your child. They may need medication, but they’ll also need behavioral therapy. This could be creating routines and learning how to manage their behaviors in everyday settings.

Contact Your Pediatrician Today

Don’t let your child go undiagnosed with ADD. Contact Dr. Allyson Self-Stoico at A to Z Pediatrics in Pasadena, CA, to learn about different ADD therapies and if your child may have ADD. Call for more information today at (626) 389-AtoZ (2869).

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